Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Engineering Mathematics: Basics

Mathematics is the foundation of Engineering , it is not possible to develop a clear concept of subjects such as Physics, Strength of Materials, Machine tools, Vibration and controls, Thermodynamics, Electricity, Fluid Mechanics etc. unless you know Mathematics like the back of your hand. 

In order to conceptualize mathematics you must get back to the basics. Although these are the topics you must have learnt at your school levels but you need to revisit the same.

To start with we will take up the concept of  Number System so that you can get the hang of Analytical Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus etc. which will be posted subsequently.

The Number System 

The Number System, in brief, consists of the the following:

  1. Natural Number: N = {1,2,3,4,5,....} 
  2. Whole Numbers: W= {0.1,2,3,4.....}
  3. Integers: Z = {......-3,-2.-1,0,1,2,3...}
  4. Rational Numbers: Q= { p/q } Rational Numbers are ratios of Integers (provided the denominator p  is not zero!)
  5. Irrational Numbers: P , An Irrational Number is a decimal which never repeats nor terminates (will be explained in details later)
  6. Real Numbers: R= {Possess a decimal representation}, will also be explained later.
  7. Complex Numbers: C = Are also called Imaginary Numbers.
The Number Line, for better understanding of integers:

Number Line

The Number Line can also be used for showing the decimal, the way it is shown below:

Number Line Showing Decimal 

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