Sunday, February 23, 2014

Angle and its importance in the field of Engineering

Continuing from the previous post ..........

The definition of an Angleits various theorems and corollaries must have been taught to you before you reached the High School level. The purpose of this post is to help you grasp the importance of "Angles" vis a vis its vast ranging Engineering  Applications. There are innumerable machine components which couldn't have been designed or manufacture without the knowledge or use of Angle. For example even the most basic tool such as an Axe can neither be designed nor can it be manufactured  unless you specify the sharpness of its cutting edge, which, in engineering term, is called the Angle at which one side is inclined to the other side. 

As an Engineer ,you would be making use of  Angle, along with Straight Lines, virtually in everything you design . The sketch of the Ramp from the previous post is being reproduced, for reference sake, hereunder: 

This is a  Right Angled Triangle. You may recall the concept of  Trigonometry is built around the  Right Angled Triangle.  For the present Trigonometry is being put on hold to discuss the Pythagoras Theorem. 

Much before the advent of Trigonometry, the Right Angled Triangle was used by the Greek  Philosopher and Mathematician Pythagoras (Era 500 BC). He proved that the three sides of a Right Angled Triangle hold a relationship with one another,  which was proved by him using Geometry. 
The proof of the Pythagorean Theorem that was inspired by a figure in the book  Vijaganita, (Root Calculations), by the Hindu mathematician Bhaskara. Bhaskara.

The Images of the relic of pythagoras's work, for those who would be curious to see, are depicted below: 

Relic showing how the theorem Graphics

The graphics of the Pythagoras theorem is also being depicted here-under, the graphic presents a picture similar to the one used in the Relic.

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