Friday, March 28, 2014

Types of Joints - Pictorial views: Their Degrees of Freedom

1. Rotational Type: The Fig. posted below shows the pictorial representation of a Rotational Joint. This joint has only One degree of Freedom. As you can see from the Fig. posted, the joint permits only rotational motion, shown by the arrow. It is constrained in the Axial-Directions. 

2. Sliding Type: The Fig., posted below, shows the pictorial representation of a Sliding joint. This joint has only One Degree of Freedom.You can see, the movement in just one direction is permitted. The arrows indicates that the inner square can move only axially, along - X-axis

3. Helical Type: The Fig.,posted below, shows the pictorial view of the Helical joint.  You may notice that the Screw is permitted to rotate. Although it moves in the linear direction, when it rotates, but it is not possible to push it axially. Therefore, it is said to possess only One degree of Freedom, shown by the arrow.

4. Cylindrical Type: The Fig., posted below, shows pictorial representation of a Cylindrical Joint. You can see that in this type of joint the shaft can rotate and slide along its center line too, as indicated by the arrows. It is, therefore, said to have Two Degrees of Freedom.

5. Spherical Type: The Fig., posted below is the pictorial representation  of the Spherical Joint. This is also known as a Ball & Socket joint. You may see that the pin connected to the ball can rotate around all the 3 - Axes i.e. 'X',  'Y' and  'Z'. Therefore, we call it a joint with Three Degrees of Freedom

6. Planar Type: The Fig., posted below, shows the pictorial representation of a Planar type joint  You may have noticed, in this case the block is free to slide along the 'X' and 'Y' Axes and also rotate around Z Axis, shown by the arrows. That is why this type also is said to have Three Degrees of Freedom.  

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